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I was born in Oak Park, Illinois in 1968 and started working my first job when I was 10 years old. I was a paper boy. I grew up on the mean streets of Minneapolis, Minnesota and its suburbs. I was one of the last graduates of the University of Minnesota Flight Facilities and became a private pilot at age 20. I have a Computer Science degree and a law degree, both from the University of Minnesota.
I was a lawyer in Las Vegas, Nevada for over twenty years. In 2004-2005, I was the lawyer that got the Las Vegas erotic dance code ordinance declared unconstitutional. It made the front page of the Las Vegas Review-Journal newspaper. I represented dozens of dancers, in many different courts, and won completely. Total victory – for me at least.
I worked on numerous death penalty cases, representing some of the most hated men in Nevada history. I learned that the death penalty in the United States is a completely-lawless and outrageously bogus waste of time, effort, and money. It is the opposite of fair, from start to finish. Just a pathetic joke where Justice is never served in any sense, in any case, for anyone, ever, especially the victims. In Nevada, against all odds, that is an actual indisputable literal fact, proven by numbers.
I am the proud author of the most disrespectful legal document ever submitted by any attorney to any court in the United States of America. By far. Only three pages are enclosed herein, but the full Motion is the Appendix to the First Edition of this book, and is also a matter of permanent public record, available online free of charge from the government. Again, mine is the most disrespectful legal document ever submitted by any attorney to any court in the United States of America. BY FAR. I am the only person that can honestly say that – I challenge anyone. It feels fantastic, by the way. And I got away with it completely for five (5) years. Every word is also absolutely true. More true today than the day I wrote it. And you are welcome.
The supreme court of Nevada claims they suspended me from the state bar in 2019, and that I owe them more than $3000. But really, they are all just a gang of dishonest lying criminals. The worst of the worst. I will voluntarily pay them nothing, ever, but admittedly, they may someday steal the money from me, because that is what they do – lie, cheat, and steal. How else do you think they got their government jobs? In fact, the entire “legal” proceeding against me was VOID from its inception because of the willful criminal misconduct committed by pretend-judge Mark Gibbons and his multitude of lawless smiley-faced money-grubbing cohorts. I again have indisputable legal proof, and will present it.
Actually, in reality, I resigned from the state bar in good standing, owing nothing – except retribution.
Back when I was a lawyer, I was routinely the most-searched attorney in the state of Nevada, even though I represented only one client.
I am a Barefacer. I have never worn a (“CoVid”) mask, and don’t intend to. Like you, I have committed many thousands of “crimes” and countless transgressions. But I’m not sorry. There’s unlimited wrong in this world, which explains every transgression. And so-called crime is nothing but an insanely-vast and hideously-applied human definition. I cannot even remember most of them, there are no victims, and the number just keeps going up. Although I have been arrested more than a few times, alcohol was usually to blame, and pretty much the only truthful item on any of the police reports against me concerned my demeanor: Belligerent.
I have never been convicted of a felony, suffering just a few minor misdemeanor convictions over the years.
I was indicted by a lawless grand jury in 2014 for two (bullshit) counts of felony battery with substantial bodily harm, and I faced ten (10) years in Nevada state prison. The Las Vegas Metro police sent a SWAT team to arrest me, like I was Roger Stone, with numerous unnecessary guns and scopes violently pointed at my innocent head. I just peacefully surrendered, of course. I’m no fool. My scumbag piece of shit lawyer then worked against me and did her best to get me prison time, so I fired the evil evil wench in open court, and represented myself against the disgraceful lying mob. It felt wonderful. Stupid bitch. Ultimately, I pled “no contest” to one misdemeanor, and walked completely free. My two “victims” in the case were each adult males who were very stupid, and deserved exactly what they got: A dislocated shoulder, an arm in a sling, and eternal shame.
I have absolutely no regret whatsoever for anything I’ve ever done, and I never will, because my life philosophy conveniently forbids it.
I am a Superdeterminist, and it’s the best way to live. Amor fati.
The truth still matters to me, at least, and I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that this book is absolutely true, from start to finish. Mark my words.