In fact, all of the criminal parasites who claimed to be “justice” from 2010 to 2018 in Nevada, U.S.A. were NOT actually elected by the people, for at least a portion of those years. Also, they all continuously broke the law, intentionally violated the United States Constitution, and committed “willful misconduct in office” during their erroneous reign. Nevada Supreme Court Rule 7. No one ran against any of them in their elections during the period, so the voters were actually completely powerless to stop those particular parasites from maintaining and extending their coveted power. Although well over a million good-hearted Nevada voters fruitlessly tried to stop them:
“supreme” CANDIDATE
***** UNOPPOSED *****
Hardesty (unopposed)
Parraguirre (unopposed)
Cherry (unopposed)
Saitta (unopposed)
Uncle Tom (unopposed)
Pickering (unopposed)
Liar, Fraud, Hack (unopposed)
Parraguirre (unopposed)
Hardesty (unopposed)
146,431 (24%)
143,265 (23%)
230,691 (27%)
230,092 (27%)
222,397 (26%)
105,079 (23%)
92,624 (20%)
282,870 (29%)
275,491 (28%)
Had NONE OF THESE CANDIDATES received more votes than the only candidate running, the unopposed (losing) candidate would STILL be declared a winner and seated in the supposedly-up-for-election high-paying government job they were not elected to, even though they actually lost the vote and were defeated by NONE OF THESE CANDIDATES. This means the “vote” was just a total governmental hoax, and that all the “winners” were actually COMPLETELY UNELECTED. The fake judicial “vote” was actually just a worthless sham. Just like the judicial branch itself. And voting in general.
The unopposed candidates all claimed they were unopposed because they were “doing a good job,” but actually, it was because nobody in the entire state was dishonest enough or stupid enough to want to associate with the other six. That finally changed when Lidia “I am a liar, a lesbian, and a hack” Stiglich was LGBTQed onto the court by RINO Governor Brian “I love illegal aliens and lawless tax increases” Sandoval, to take the place of exposed criminal leaker/career liar Nancy “I’ll do anything for ca$$$h! & I had nothing to do with it!” Saitta.
I think perhaps there was some kind of behind-the-scenes deal made concerning the terms by which Saitta dishonestly quit her elected job two years early, transitioned into her lifetime well-paid and well-“respected” unelected scam as an incompetent demented money-taking “senior” lying “justice,” and thereby paved the way for wannabe-“justice” lesbian Stiglich to be appointed, the husband/”long-time partner” of Sandoval’s Chief Counsel lesbian Michon Martin. Just a theory. By the way, after leaving her influential government job working for Sandoval, Michon “power bottom” Martin used her extreme one-of-a-kind-talents to land a choice job as President of Las Vegas’ largest advertising agency R&R Partners Advertising of “What Happens Here, Stays Here” fame. These are high-“achieving” lesbians don’t forget.
The nearly doubled votes against Parraguirre and Hardesty after their first six years of unopposed “service” prove the Nevada people did NOT like them or their group, the people were NOT happy with them or their group, and they were NOT “doing a good job.” And it also proves that around 70% of the Nevada electorate is just plain stupid, willing to do anything, and check any box, in obedient service to their governmental overlords. The fact that Gibbons got the least votes against him among the seven “justices” proves only one thing:
Nevada voters are particularly gullible, ignorant, and ill-informed.

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